General Use of RT Systems Programmers
General Overview of the RT Programmers (Windows Version
using FT60 Programmer)
Learn About YOUR radio through the RT Systems Programmer
It's not just a program... it's the "brains" of YOUR radio taken out of the black box and put on the screen for you to review
Download and Install the RT Systems Setup File (Windows)
Download and Install the RT Systems Setup File (Mac)
Easy Editing in RT Programmers (Windows Version)
Com Port Setup in RT Systems Programmers
Export and Import to handle Master Files for your group
Compare RT Systems, Chirp, and Yaesu Programmers for the FT-70D
Preferences Customize the Program for easier data entry Windows version
Error sending a file to the radio the first time
McAfee 2023 False Virus Report and what to do about it.
Programming Repeaters with Non-Standard Split (Offset Frequency)
Tone and Tone Squelch
Copy and Paste
DR-735: Colors and other things you want to know about that radio
DR-735: Memories
Different memory types and how to set up and use them to get the most from that radio.
ID-5100 FM in DR Memories
(The easy way to enter a list of FM repeaters!)
Managing the Your Callsign List in DStar Radios
Putting the Your Callsign List in the order YOU want it
Radio setup for a Hotspot with RT Software
The New D-Star Calculator 2013
DStar Calculator for DR Memories
Keep your list of DR Memories personalized and up-to-date with the built-in Dstar Calc. Have the current list you want with just a few mouse clicks.
DMR Radio Programming
These videos are offered as general details for features of the DMR style radios. They are based off findings from testing with the AT-D578 but will apply to may other models from Anytone, Alinco, BTech. Features in DMR style radios from TYT, Baofeng, Radioditty, and Retevis vary from what is shown here; however, basic file creation and programming of those radios remain the same.
DMR Drivers
Where to get them and how to set them up with the radio.
Basic DMR Programming with RT Systems Software
NEW DMR Calculator
Create channels for all your talk groups and put them into zones... with the least typing and fewest mouse clicks ever!!
Memory Channels and Zone Setup
Analog channels in your new DMR Radio
Start the first file for that new DMR Radio with the Analog Channels from your existing RT Systems file. This makes it so easy to get back on the repeaters you know.
Some Basic Options of the Radios (Anytone DMR and some others)
Program the D578 and D878 the same through the Programmer
Use one file of channaels, zones, scan lists, radio id, and more to work in both radios... couldn't be easier!!
Using TSQL with Anytone DMR Radios
Working with Talk Groups in DMR Radios
Contact List (Talk Group) Import
Know Who's Calling. Get a fresh Contact List through the Programmer
Scan Lists and Rx Groups (How to hear more with your DMR radio)
External Data
Using Less than Everything returned in Repeater Book Search
Using RepeaterBook to get a Frequency List for British Columbia Canada
Sarnet List and Other built-in Frequency Information
Right in the Programmers. Common frequency information that can be added to a file with just a few mouse clicks.
Introduction to the IC-R15 Programmer
Changing Bank Designation
In the ID-52 / ID-52Plus / ID-705 / ID-50 / ID-905
and other Icom radios with similar memory structure.
IC-705 Channel Sorting in the WCS-705 Programmer
IC-705 Firmware Upgrade and its effect on programming
Bank Channel Numbers in Icom Radio
Explained with the WCS-705 programmer but also
in the ID-52 / ID-52Plus / ID-705 / ID-50 / ID-905
and other Icom radios with similar memory structure.
IC-705 Firmware Upgrade and it's effect on the programmer
Getting Channel order to match that on the screen
In the ID-52 / ID-52Plus / ID-705 / ID-50 / ID-905
IC-746: Programming Hints and Tricks
IC-9700 Programmer
This one is a little different than you expect.
Group Scanning in the TM-V71 and TM-D710 (Get more functionality from your radio with a little organization)
Rugged Radio
RDM-DB - Basic Programming (The tricks that get everything to work)
RDM-DB - Using Band A and Band B Get Double the radio this way!
RDM-DB - Driver Installation (What to do with a No Ports Found error)
Texting with Rugged Radios' Digital Radios (A great new way to communicate)
M1 - No Ports Found (Completing Driver Installation)
M1 - Getting Started Programming (Set it up right the first time!)
M1 - Stock Radio Button Functions
See what they make the radio do.
TH-9800 - Using a non-standard CTCSS Tone Value
The TYT TH-9800 gives you the ability to use a CTCSS value for Tone or Tone Squelch that is something other than those in the standard list. See how to enter that special value and learn all the necessary settings for Tone Squelch to be successful.
TH-9800: How to use the Programmer with 220MHz or
440 MHz models The same program will get them both done.
Fusion Firmware Upgrades Sept 2017 Getting the Radio and Program to Communicate with each other again
FT-1D Programming with SD Card
FT-2D Programming with SD Card
FT-3D - A look at the RT Systems Programmer
FT-3D Programming with SD Card
FT-4V and FT-4X - P1/P2 keys Getting the best use from this feature
FT-5DR/DE Programming with SD Card
FT-65 - P1/P2/P3/P4 keys Getting the best use from this feature
FT-70DR Get Data using RT Systems program or Yaesu ADMS-10
Meet the FTM-150RASP Radio through the RT Systems Programmer
FTM-150 Programming via the SD Card
Step by Step to read and do at your pace.
FTM-150 Programming via the SD Card (Video)
A video for you to see it done with a few special hints to avoid failures.
FTM-200 Programming with SD Card
FTM-300 Programming with SD Card
FTM-300 Channel Separation per band (top and bottom)
FTM-500 Programming with SD Card
FTM-500 Programming Blocked by GPS
FTM-500 Programming: Waiting Makes the process fail
Also for the FTM-400, FTM-300, FTM-200 and FTM-100 and others. If the radio is "Waiting", it is waiting for you to make the next move.... be ready.
FT-891 - Odd Behavior for some Settings
You can't double check these on the radio!!
FT-991/991A Accessing Memory Channels after Programming
FT-991/991A Memory Groups - The Good and the Bad of Them
FT-991/991A Repeater Operations
FT-3185 Programming: The good and the bad of it.