FT450, FT-450, Ham Radio Deluxe
FT-450 / Cable communication problems in Ham Radio Deluxe
Error with USB cable Getting this cable to work with a radio and Ham Radio Deluxe can be a little tricky. Right now we only have the Yaesu FT-450 to work with. We bet others are similar. If unable to get HRD to talk to the radio, try this...

  1. Check the comport designation for the USB-63 in Device Manager. If it is greater than 4, reduce it to 1-4. To change a comport designation, double click on the device to open the properties. Select the Port Settings tab. Click the Advanced button. Change the comport designation on that screen. Apply and close.

  2. If the USB-63 does not appear under Ports (com and Lpt) in Device Manager, unplug the cable, install the drivers. Then attach the cable and try again. (You may have to install the drivers for the cable manually. This is not unusual. If the device appears in other devices with a yellow indication beside it, right click, select update drivers. Using the wizard, you will find the drivers on your machine at; C:\Program Files (or Program Files(x86) for 64 bit systems)\Common Files\RT SystemsV4u\RTDrivers\USBComDrivers\Drivers"

  3. Check two menu settings on the radio;
    • Press and hold the F key to enter the menu. Turn the DSP/SEL knob to EXT MNU (Extended Menu)
    • Press the DSP/SEL key. Set this option to On. Press DSP/SEL key again to return to menu.
    • Rotate DSP/SEL key to CAT RTS. Press the DSP/SEL key to select and note if this option is Enabled or Disabled. It does not matter; but you will need to know this later.
    • Press the DSP/SEL key to exit this menu item.
    • Rotate DSP/SEL key to CATRATE. Press the DSP/SEL key to select this item. Note the setting here. Again it does not matter what it is; but you'll need these details later. Press the DSP/SEL key to exit this menu.
    • Press and hold the F key to exit the menu.

  4. In HRD, select Connect / New - in the fields on the left,

  5. Yaesu / FT-450 / Either set the port number or set to Auto Detect/Speed (to what you found in CATRATE).

    Be careful here. If you change the setting for Port, the setting for Speed will change automatically.

    Experiment with RTS if you are not successful making the connection. On my machine I must check RTS for the connection to be successful.

    Click Connect.

  6. Error "PORT DESIGNATION NOT FOUND" Need to remove that connection - there will be a button on that screen, then go thru connection and select proper connection and baud rate, should be good to go now.
  7. Once you have connected the FT-450 (or actually any radio) to HRD, be sure the radio is in VFO mode (A or B will do). Else, HRD will change but the radio will not respond to those changes.
08/25/2020 02:19PM