A strange feature of the radio involves memory channel selection. It seems to only affect the Broadcast Band frequencies and is only an issue in Band A of the radio. This could be by design and we have just not found the "on/off" in the settings. It's really not a bad thing but could be a "gotcha" if you are not aware of it.
- This starts with broadcast band frequencies programmed into memory channels (i.e., say 95.5, 108.3, 76.2... whatever you favorite listening channels are).
- Then on the radio, you press the V/M key to work VFO on Band A.
- While working VFO you press the Band key to the Broadcast band.
- Now that you are finished with VFO, you leave it in the Broadcast band and press the V/M key to go back to memory.
- Once you tune to one of those pre-programmed broadcast frequencies in the memory channels, you will not be able to tune to any channel other than one in the broadcast band. It will be like working in a bank that contains only the broadcast band channels. The others are not lost, they are just not accessible.
- To correct the issue and get all your memory channels back, press the V/M key again and once in VFO press Band to any other band. When you press V/M again, all memory channels will be accessible (including the ones in the broadcast band).