Repeater Operations on Icom IC-7600 radio
The IC-7600 does not do repeaters like most VHF/UHF radios.

  1. With the IC-7600 there is only one frequency stored per memory channel (in a typical VHF/WHF radio there are two (Tx and Rx)). Usually on this radio that frequency is both transmit and receive.
  2. The IC-7600 has only ONE offset frequency the transceiver to use for 6M and 10M. Yes, only ONE for EVERY repeater. Realize, this is ONE offset for ALL of your repeater work (the typical UHF/VHF radio has one offset frequency for each memory channel so you can have different values for different repeaters in the same band.) This is one of those options that you need to know how to change from the face of the radio so you can customize it for the repeater you're working at the moment.
  3. With that said, working a repeater with the IC-7600 is done by using Repeater function of Split (see page 62 of the manual for all the details). The IC-7600 has a button for Split so this feature is easy to access. With repeater operation engaged, the radio uses the Main and Sub for receive and transmit. The transmit frequency will be calculated by the radio from the receive frequency using the Offset Frequency which can be set to a plus or minus value.
  4. The WCS-7600 Programmer is helpful for other details of the repeater. You enter the Rx Frequency of the repeater and set the Operating Mode to FM (Repeater operations work only in FM mode). If the repeater uses a tone for access, set the Tone Mode and CTCSS frequency in the program for this memory channel.
  5. After sending the file to the radio (Communications | Send data to radio), access memory mode then change to that memory channel in the A display. Then press the Split button for 1 second to engage repeater operations and automatically turn on the tone if one is set.

Now you should be able to communicate with the repeater (given other variables are right... antenna, power out, SWR, location, obsticals, etc.) The radio will listen on the A Band and automatically transmit on the B Band when you press the PTT. Remember to press the Split button to turn off split when you are finished.