The RT Systems programmers require that you "read radio first" before you can send data to your radio. This process is necessary for several reasons.
  1. There are details about the radio that must match that in the radio. These details can be determined only by getting them from the radio.
  2. Once a radio has been modified, the programmer must be modified in the same way. The only way that can be done is by reading the radio.
  3. As a customer put it long ago... "Reading the radio "primes the pump". It gets everything started so the radio and computer are talking properly to each other.
This is simply a part of the process for working between the computer and the computer in the radio. It needs to be done only once after an installation unless you modify your radio to transmit outside the ham band.

To complete this process
  1. Open a new file (File | New). This protects any channel entries you may have made.
  2. From the top menu, select Communications | Get data from radio.
  3. Connect the cabling and complete the process as shown.
  4. Once finished, you can save the file as a start for the programming you want to do, or you can close it without saving. The programmer already has what it needs.
  5. Now you are ready to send a file for this radio to it.
Remember to set up your settings file as well as your memories to make your radio work the way you want it too without having to change settings from the face of the radio. The RT Systems programmer does SOOOOOO much more than just memory management!!! 04/12/2013