The Speaker/Mic jack of the Kenwood F6 and F7 (European version) radios do more than just work with a speaker/mic. This multi functional jack is your way into the radio for programming and other functions that may come from your PC.

But your radio must be made ready to do one of the alternate functions by switching Menu Item #9 from SP/Mic to TNC/PC.

The following will help you get this done.
Step 1: With the radio on, press the MNU Key to access the Menu. TH-F6 Radio Face
Note: If nothing happen when you press this button (or if it does nothing and emits a tone), more than likely the keys are locked.

To unlock the keys, press and hold the 3 key until the lock symbol disappears from the face of the radio.
TH-F6 Radio Face
Step 2: Once you have accessed the Menu, turn the knob on top to item 9, Sp/Mic Jack. The 9 will be blinking on the right side of the display. TH-F6 Radio Face
Step 3) Press the MNU key again to access this menu item. The 9 will cease to blink and the SP/Mic Jack option will blink.

Step 4) Turn the knob until the option ready PC.

Step 5) Press MNU button again to lock this selection.

Step 6) Press PTT to exit menu.

Step 7) You will not be able to program the radio from the computer.

Note: Remember, you'll have to repeat these steps to return this option to Sp/Mic if you want to use an external speaker mic with the radio.