Memory Banks
To access the memory banks in the IC-2300 once they are programmed:
Bank Linking
Press M-Call to access memory mode (at this point all your memory channels will be available when you turn the tuning knob.)
Press the [Bank/Option] key on the HM133V mic (upper right). This key is found only on the mic. There is not a corresponding key on the face of the radio.
Note: This is a very strange press. It's REALLY short... it is really shorter than short... a tap might describe it better.
Your expected response on the radio is "BANK --- m --" If anything else appears, press the PTT to leave this mode and try again.
Rotate the tuning knob on the desired bank. You may go past a frequency display during this step. Just keep going until the selected bank appears.
Press PTT to leave this mode. Your selection will appear at the right of the display.
If bank linking is not engaged, when you turn the knob or press the up/down keys only the channels assigned to that bank will be included.
If banks are linked AND bank linking is engaged, all the channels of the linked banks will be displayed.
Bank Linking
The fields to control Bank Linking are found in the programmer under Settings | Radio Menu Settings | Common tab | Bank Link. Check the boxes for the Banks to be "joined" when Bank Linking is engaged.
The same option is found on the F1 and F2 tabs. Bank linking can be configured differently in each of those. Remember, once you access the F1 or F2 configuration from the face of the radio, you cannot return to the Common configuration without again programming the radio from the computer.
Note: Bank linking is not only for scanning. When is engaged, all memory channels in all banks will be available when scanning or tuning manually. Those memory channels not assigned to a bank will be excluded.