The QYT KT-8900, KT-8900R and KT-8900D radios are different although they have very similar numbers. 

To help you get the program that you need, RT Systems includes the program for each of these in one package. This helps you have what you need for your radio.... but it won't make sure that you install the right one... and if you don't, things won't work.

During installation you will see this screen: 

These are the results you can expect depending on the radio/programmer combination you use. 

Programmer in useRadio in useResults when reading and writing the radio


KT-8900RAfter a long delay as the program
tries to establish communications
The message appears:
No response from radio. Be sure radio is connected and on.

KT-8900DAfter a long delay as the program
tries to establish communications
The message appears:
No response from radio. Be sure radio is connected and on.

RPS-8900DKT-8900After a long delay as the program
tries to establish communications
The message appears: Timeout occurred

KT-8900RAfter a long delay as the program
tries to establish communications
The message appears: Timeout Occurred


RPS-8900RKT-8900After a long delay as the program
tries to establish communications
The message appears:
No response from radio. Be sure radio is connected and on.


KT-8900DAfter a long delay as the program
tries to establish communications
The message appears:
No response from radio. Be sure radio is connected and on.

To review... be sure to install the programmer that matches your radio model. If you are not sure, install all three (they are small). One will work... you can delete the icons for the other two so you don't try to use them again.