11/16/2021 - There is a counterfeit FT-7900 available from E-Bay. In working with the owner of one of these, Yaesu determined that it was a counterfeit and passed this information to the owner. Our investigations found that the label on the radio is clearly not that of an original radio. It shows as "CHN" not Yaesu and lacks the FCC id.
The characteristic of this counterfeit is that it does not have all the options from the start up menu (press left MHZ key while turning it on). One of the missing options is F7 CLONE. You won't program this one with any software since you can't get to the Clone function to even get the process started.
Don't know what else might be changed in this "look-alike" and while it is great to get a good radio at a good price, beware of what you buy. You may be lacking critical features of all kinds.