Getting two radios to "talk" to each other is sometimes not such an easy thing. You must have matching information for several things. Often this information is not available from the manufacturer.
You Rugged Radios model has all details available through the programming software for that radio. Options that are set at the factory for other models can be easily set on the Rugged Radios model: once you know the values to use... THAT IS THE HARD PART!!
What you need to know:
Frequency (Let's make this a little easier... in general the Receive and Transmit frequencies are the same.... be sure you enter them into the programmer that way)
Tone - This is the hard part. There are 38 CTCSS tones and 108 DCS tones. Your other radio could be using any one of these and if you don't use the right value, one radio will hear the other but not visa versa.
What to do.
- Check the instructions for the other radio. You are looking for words like "Interference Elimination Code", or "Privacy Code".
- Hopefully there is a list published in the instructions that gives you a four digit number with a decimal (CTCSS) or a three digit code with no decimal (DCS)
- Hopefully too, there is something that tells you what frequency and tone are in use on a given channel (although this may be in different terminology... that's where the lists come in to "translate" to what a normal radio expects.)
So, collect information and once armed with details, you are welcome to call for help. We'll help you get your details correctly into the programmer for the radio... or we will know how to guess and what to do to help you guess until you find the right combination.
Ultimately, you could all purchase Rugged Radios. Then you would have the support you need and be guaranteed they would talk to each other.