A couple of months ago I purchased a Yaesu FT70D along with your ADMS-70D software, and I was unable to get it to work on MacOS as it kept crashing. I spoke with your tech support and they were able to narrow it down to the JRE crashing but we were never able to progress past that point. (While this was discovered while working with the ADMS-70 programmer, this same issue could appear in any of the RT Systems programmers for the Mac).

I just discovered the root cause of the issue. I have a Targus USB-C docking station which includes DisplayLink display drivers. I was out on the DisplayLink forums this morning and I noticed several people have reported issues with Java on MacOS Catalina and DisplayLink's drivers. So...I removed the dock from my system, and like magic, I am now able to run your software.

You might want to add this to your knowledge base in case another Mac user calls in with issues similar to mine--have them remove all external displays and see if that cures the problem.

BTW I love your software--great job and I will definitely be buying more as my radio collection grows! . Keep up the good work!